This morning as I was doing my exercise video, the instructor was talking about making healthy choices. She said, “It’s up to you.” As I think about this more, it occurs to me that almost everything in my life is up to me. I know there are some things out of our control, and honestly, don’t we all want control? But, there are things I can control. It is up to me to…pray to, worship, and study with my God, who is ultimately in control. It is up to me to…make my marriage all that is can and should be. It is up to me to…raise my kids to be the best people they can be and to know God intimately. It is up to me to…overcome childhood issues and take responsibility for my own actions now as an adult. It is up to me to…be healthier by making better choices. I fail, but it is up to me to…pick myself up, ask for forgiveness, and try again.
The most important “It’s Up to Me’ is…where I will spend eternity. Praise be to God that He has given His only Son for a wretch like me! He has given me the choice to choose to spend eternity in Heaven with Him! But it is still up to me because I have a choice to make. To believe in His promises or to focus on the world and being selfish. The world….I could really expound on this, but I will wait for another blog post.
The Bible says in Joshua 24 verse 15, “choose you this day whom you will serve.” Who will you serve this day?