As I write this last blog of 2018, I want to say I have no New Year’s Resolutions. I have some goals for this coming year of 2019. Some personal goals and some professional goals. There has been a lot of talk about SMART goals in recent past. I had to do SMART goals in my last job. But not all goals can be SMART goals. SMART goals are supposed to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
The biggest issues I have with making goals fit into those categories are the measurable and time-bound parts. I cannot set a measure on some of the personal goals I have for the future, and some are not limited by time. One post I saw said ‘survive’ was this person’s goal. I feel that. It is not measurable though. Most goals are ongoing, meaning I will continue to struggle or try for the rest of my life.
I like the word Moxie. It means vigor, verve, pep; courage and aggressiveness, nerve; skill and know-how. I want my goals to have Moxie this year. I want to have Moxie this year! To meet each challenge with vigor. To have courage and be aggressive. To have nerve. To know how to do more than I have in the past.
Think about one word that fits your goals for this coming year. Make that what you think of with everything you have planned and that you do. After all…”Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Ecclesiastes 9:10.
What’s your word?