For 6 years I was blessed to be able to go on our church youth mission trip to Morant Bay, Jamaica with my girls. While there, I developed a relationship with one of the old men there, Brother Percival Grant whose picture is below.
I’m not sure how it happened that he and I connected except to say God was in it. I would sit and talk with him. He would sometimes hang with us during the day as we worked about the town or join us in our nightly devotional. On one such night, as we adults and teens sat in a circle for our devotional, Brother Grant joined us and sat by me. We all would sing the songs the kids like and some new ones we had learned in Jamaica. But this one night, without any prompting except from the Holy Spirit, Brother Grant began singing this song from Psalm 61. I was moved to tears as were some in the group.
You see, the Jamaicans struggle especially those that are Christians. They are poor, and they do not have many possessions. But what they do have, you can see on their faces. Love. God. Jesus.
My first visit, I felt it in my soul. As we sat in worship service, I could feel the spirit there as I’ve never felt before in a worship. The Spirit, God, and Jesus are all they have. Sometimes, I think they have it better than I do because they get it! I take so much for granted her in America. If I don’t have it, I can go buy it. But the Jamaican Christians have learned what is important. Yes, they are still in their culture and struggle with issues, but being with them and worshipping with them, was a blessing I will never forget.
If you’ve never been on a mission trip even here in America, I suggest you go if you have the opportunity. It will change you or at least it should.
But as I get back to America and settle in my ways, I forget. I forget those who have it worse than I do. I forget there are people all over the world who need to know Jesus. I forget that there are Christians suffering all over the world.
Let us remember those we haven’t met yet but will meet one day in Heaven. Maybe we prayed for them or maybe we got to meet here on this earth and grew to love.
After all, we should be about One Love!