I once saw a quote that said, “What if you woke tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for today?”
Think about that for a minute. Read it again.
That is one powerful quote! We take so much for granted. Do we ever remember to thank God for the little, but big, things? Oxygen, heartbeats, senses to see and hear His creation, people in our lives? I could go on and on.
If you wake everyday without pain, you are blessed. We tend to take our health for granted until we lose it or something goes wrong.
On Friday I am having some outpatient surgery. Nothing too serious, but it is enough to make me thankful for medical technology, doctors who know what they are doing, medical staff to assist those doctors, and medicine. I will be thankful to be out of this specific pain. I am thankful that nothing bad has happened to make this an emergency surgery. I am especially thankful for family who is here to support me, from my husband, Chris, to my mom, sister, other family, and friends. I know, too, that there are others who may not be physically present but are praying for me.
I am thankful!
Find something to be thankful for today. Thank someone in person who maybe isn’t expecting it!
Most of all, thank God!