There are many occasions for a banquet. Banquets are mentioned in the Bible several times also. Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding banquet. Jesus’ feet were washed at a banquet. Jesus told several parables using a banquet.
What is it about a banquet? It’s essentially a party. We still have banquets today. We have wedding banquets, high school banquets, and other types of banquets. People in general love to celebrate, and what better way to celebrate than eating a lot of food with people you really care about and that care about you.
At the end of this life, we will be invited to the final banquet. We as the bride of Christ will be escorted to the feast to be with Christ and all those saints who’ve gone on before us to celebrate the marriage feast of Christ and His bride. (Revelation 19:6-9)
Think of the best party or banquet you’ve ever attended. The best wedding cake, appetizers, main course, will not compare to what we are in for at the final banquet with our Savior.