I really like to sing. The only problem is that I don’t have a good voice. I cannot carry much of a tune.
I like the new songs we sing during worship and the songs I hear on the radio. But there’s something to be said about the old hymns. I grew up listening to and singing those old hymns. They make me think of my daddy and how he could sing them so well. He loved the song I Come to the Garden Alone. We played it at his funeral.
I know kids today don’t like to sing those old hymns, and I get it. But I really love some of them. As a kid singing them myself, I didn’t get what the words really meant. I do now, and they mean so much especially when you know the story behind the writer. Songs like Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Blessed Assurance, and Count Your Blessings come to mind as ones I remember singing growing up.
One in particular that really means a lot to me now that I’m older is Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. The story behind this song is that the writer fell away from God, but on a trip in a stagecoach, a woman in the coach with him was humming this song. He asked her about it, and after talking and revealing he was the writer, he ended up coming back to the Lord.
Songs can be very powerful!
So, I’m going to keep on singing, because this is the voice God gave me, so I guess He likes it!