There’s a song I like (I know, I like a lot of them) by Mercy Me called Flawless. It reminds me that Jesus on the Cross has made me flawless. The words says no matter how many bumps, bruises, scars, hurts, deep wounds, or pain I have, the cross has made me flawless.
I have a lot of bumps and bruises, wounds and pain, both physical and emotional. We all do living in this world. But we always need to remember Whose we are and what He has done for us that makes us flawless in God’s eyes!
I like to listen to Christian music especially when I’m walking for exercise. Today, the sun is shining, and it isn’t too cold, so I went out. I couldn’t help but raise my face to the sun because it’s been a few days since we’ve seen it.
As you go about your day, especially today with the sun shining, remember Who has made you flawless and how He did that!