
What makes you happy? What do you think being happy means? It is defined as enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment. But to me that sounds more like definition of joy.

There are times when we are happier than others. It is an emotion not a state of our hearts always. There is a huge difference between being happy and being joyful. I can be sad but still have joy.

What brings joy into our lives? Or should I say Who? The only way to feel true joy is to have a relationship with God and Jesus. I wished I had learned this earlier in my life, but God has brought me to where I am today very carefully.

Being in my 50’s 😮, I have learned so much over the last few years. I have by no means ‘arrived,’ but I am striving to be better than I was; to see more than I ever have in others and myself; to know God more, and more intimately.

I think being happy is a decision we can wake up to every day. We all have problems, and there are days when it is not appropriate to decide to be happy, but overall, it is a decision. We never know to whom we will show Jesus. If we walk around with a frown, then how will they ever know. But if we can smile through the pain knowing in Whom we have joy, then we will be witnesses for Him.

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

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