As I sit most mornings, looking at the blue sky and hearing the birds singing, I praise the One who made it all. I’m not perfect by any means, physically! or spiritually, but I know the One who is!
Some mornings my mind and heart drifts to those who don’t believe or don’t believe anymore. Those who have no hope or have lost their hope maybe due to circumstances in their lives. Those that are looking for their hope and meaning.
What do you say to those who are in such a state? “I’ll pray for you. I’ve been praying for you.” That doesn’t seem like it’s enough, does it?
But maybe it is. Just knowing we are praying to the Creator, the great I AM, the Majesty in Heaven, is enough. With faith it should be enough.
God can use us to plant that seed in the hearts of those people. Who know what He has planned? We are supposed to be instruments for Him. We can love them, serve them, and pray for and with them until God works in their hearts.
Many in the world today, sometimes me too, are asking God why. Why is there pain, why am I like I am, why… The list can go on and on. But I pray I never ask why to the point of non belief or rejection of God. I think it’s okay to ask why. We may never find out while we are here on this earth, but God will answer farther along.
I pray God acts on the hearts of those who are doubting for whatever reason whether they are hurting or searching.
He can reach them.