I confess these last couple of weeks have hit me hard physically which in turn affects me emotionally. I was feeling very poorly; couldn’t really put my finger on one thing to describe how I felt except to say that it wasn’t good.
I had the flu; my blood sugar was up; I wasn’t able to exercise; I wasn’t sleeping well; and wasn’t eating like I should. While all of these are probably good excuses not to take care of myself, I just hate feeling that way.
So, yesterday, I got back at it. I ate pretty good. I took a 3 mile walk in the glorious sunshine of my Father. I got over 9 hours of sleep last night. This morning my blood sugar was back where it should be! I feel pretty good today!
I need to remind myself to take it one day at a time. Just for today do the right things. Choose today to spend time with God, to eat right, to get some exercise, to get some good sleep. Feel better! It makes a difference!
The older I get, the harder it seems to recover from things. It takes more time. I used to pride myself on being a strong person physically. I was very athletic when I was younger. I think God has taught and is teaching me to let go of that pride and grab onto Him.

I will be praying for you! I too was athletic playing basketball and softball on teams. I have many different things like diabetes and fibromyalgia that reminds me I am not a young chick anymore. Sleep, eating right and the best sun and exercise you can do is walking! With the grace of God and His love surrounding us we can get through this phase of life also. I still have one of my 4 at home and she keeps me hoping! Enjoy this great day! Thank you always for letting the Spirit speak through you!