Today, I cannot help but post that it’s Good Friday! I think most reading this will know and understand why it’s called Good.
We know that Jesus was tried, condemned, and killed by crucifixion on this day many, many years ago. It’s overwhelming to try and understand how anyone could do that for someone like me or you. It is the best gift ever. If we let ourselves sit down and really dwell on it, we could become sad and depressed. But guess what?
Sunday’s coming! I heard a sermon on this idea one time right after my daddy died. It’s the fact that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday that we now call Easter, and one day, those of us who are Christ-followers, will be resurrected too! Isn’t it a comfort to know that even though Christ died for us, God raised Him up, and one day He’ll raise us up too? And we’ll be with God and Jesus forever!
So, while we struggle here on this earth, remember….
Sunday’s coming!!!!