What must it have been like for Jesus’ followers after His death? I cannot imagine what they must have been thinking. I know how I have felt after the death of a loved one. But the difference is Jesus told those close to Him that He’d rise up. I wonder if they really believed Him?
I have visited my daddy’s grave quite a few times. Sometimes with others, but most often by myself. So, when some of the ladies visited Jesus’ grave to find it empty, I cannot imagine their astonishment!
Then Jesus appeared to many people. What wondrous occasions for them! To see and believe what Jesus had taught them. It must have strengthened their belief in Him even more.
We can know that we will rise again! I love this song by Chris Tomlin. We played it at my daddy’s funeral. We can have that same peace knowing that Jesus rose from the dead. We can believe His promise that as followers of Him, we will also rise!
Sunday is here!