As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, this past weekend Chris and I camped at Stone Mountain Campground in Georgia. We have been to many campgrounds in the last few years. Some are nicer than others. It is fun to look around and compare them. I have taken a cue from a friend of mine and am keeping a binder with campground maps and other information on each campground we visit.
But as we pulled into the campsite last Friday, I couldn’t help noticing something I’ve never seen before in any campground we’ve visited. Maybe it was there, and I didn’t notice it. This one was right next to our campsite though.

If you can’t tell, this is a pole with a siren and red light. I stood looking at it for a minute and wondered what its purpose was. Was it used for inclement weather or some other emergency? It was some warning system to definitely alert us to danger!
Then, I got to thinking, which can be dangerous, I know! Isn’t this what God uses sometimes in our lives? I siren and red light so to speak? I know there have been many sirens go off that woke me up to what I was doing or what was going on in my life. And sometimes there’s a bright red light with a warning!
Thankfully, this one didn’t go off while we were camping there. It being right next to our campsite, it definitely would have been scary! But when God lets it go off in our lives, it can be scary too. We need to watch and listen for them!