I’ll be honest. A lot of times, doubt creeps in my prayer life. I pray to God asking for help, and deep down I know He can do it. But then I do the ‘just in case’ things, as if I can try to do what I just asked The Almighty to do.
I was reminded of this in my Bible reading in I Samuel when Hannah prays to God for a child. She has been teased by her husband’s other wife. She is barren. She feels so bad, she hasn’t eaten. So, when they all go to the temple to worship, she weeps, and asks God to open her womb. She promises to give the child back to God. She prays so fervently, the priest, Eli, thinks she’s drunk!
Then, what does she do? Does she do the ‘just in case?’ No! She gets up and goes to eat. She knows God is in charge, and He’ll do what is best for her. She has faith in Him.
I ask God to increase my faith. I know sometimes He does this with situations that we either will blame Him and turn away, or we will know that all we have in this life is to lean on Him.
That is all we have. We don’t have the ‘just in case’ we think we do. We are not in charge. We don’t know what’s best for us like God does.
I am thankful He sees me and listens to my prayers. I am thankful I don’t have to do the ‘just in case’ because there’s nothing I can do that He hasn’t already thought of for me or done for me already!