Well, on this Mother’s Day, I’d be remiss if I didn’t post about it.
Being a mother is the most rewarding job anyone could ever have. It is also the hardest one. From the day you bring them home from the hospital, it is difficult to know what to do with and for those children.
A mother’s heart breaks so many times as she watches her children go through life precariously making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. And she rejoices when they make good decisions!
It is impossible to understand how much you love them until you have some of your own. To love someone so much that it is difficult to breathe can be a devastating thing.
I think God made the parent/child relationship so that we as parents can feel a small, small part of what He must have felt watching Jesus die on the cross for us sinners. I don’t think I could give up either of my children for anyone!
Remember your mom today. Call her if you can’t see her. Tell her thanks and how much you love her. She has sacrificed a lot for you whether you realize it or not.