People used to ask one another, “What’s your story?” I haven’t heard it in a while, but I’ve asked it before.
If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, you can post your story, and it’s usually just moments or thoughts or a blog.
But what is your story? Really? What would you tell people? What would they get out of hearing your story?
There is a song I like by Big Daddy Weave. When you get a chance, listen to it. He even puts in part of the old gospel hymn Blessed Assurance. His basic idea is that if he told you his story, it would all be about Jesus and everything He’s done for us.
Would this be my story if anyone were to ask me? Would I be ashamed? Would I just talk of my family, job, problems, or would I totally focus it on Jesus.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long!