Why do we have to have signs like this? Don’t we know we have to push the door open or pull it? Don’t we know where the exits are located? Don’t we know to be cautious or yield? Don’t we know?
No, we don’t know and that is the problem! This is why we need to be reminded daily of God and what He’s done for us. This is why we have the Bible to read over and over again.
Sometimes I think, “I’ve heard this Bible story since I was a child.” But aren’t they the ones we need to hear over and over so we are reminded of Who God is and how much He loves us?
It’s not just the Bible that is a sign for us. It’s everything we see in His creation. It’s the strong storms. It’s the wind we can feel on our faces. It’s the change of season. It’s that little mosquito that bit me yesterday! Those are all the signs I need.
I need all these signs because I am human, and I forget. I get too busy in this life, and sometimes the day has gone, and I realize that I never even talked to God or thought about Him enough. It’s then that I bow my head and ask for forgiveness. I’m sorry I didn’t remember. I’m sorry I didn’t see and look for the signs this day.
The next time you see a sign that makes you go “Duh!” remember the signs from God and look for them all around!!