I have said in a previous blog, that in the past I kind of prided myself on my physical strength. As a young athlete, I was very strong. However, as I get older, that strength is deteriorating. I am still strong, but I can tell a difference in my older body. Things change as we get older. Everyone experiences it!
So, thinking about strength, where does your strength come from? Do you try to do everything yourself? Are you good at asking for help? Some of us are, but not all of us.
As I was driving this morning to my destination, this song came on from Matthew West.
I am not strong enough to do the things I need to do, but I know Who is. I think we find out very quickly that we aren’t strong enough for this world. It’s kind of funny that we think we are strong enough. Perhaps God just looks down on us and shakes His head and smiles. Then He says, I’ve got you….once again!!
I know, I KNOW, God has made me strong enough. I know He is the only One who has. He brings other people to help me. He brings His Word to help me. He brings things like songs to encourage me. He brings me just what I need exactly when I need it.
I look back over my life and see it so many times! I am so thankful for Him, His grace, His power, His always knowing me!