When I was younger, I played any sport I could find to play. I was pretty good at most of them. One thing I loved about playing sports was the way my parents would always try to make it to my games. They didn’t always get to come, but when they did, they cheered me and our team on even though sometimes they didn’t know the game well and so didn’t understand what was happening.
Do you have a champion like that? Someone who cheers you on no matter what. Win or lose, they are still your champion? Someone who, come what may, will always be there for you?
If you don’t think you do, guess again!
Isaiah 42 verse 13 says:
The Lord will march out like a champion,
like a warrior he will stir up his zeal;
with a shout he will raise the battle cry
and will triumph over his enemies.
The Lord, God is our champion. Like a warrior shouting a battle cry and triumphing over His enemies. His enemies should be our enemies too, so He is has the victory, and we do also!
When you feel beaten down, remember Who your champion is. Who is on the sidelines cheering you on in this game of life we are living!