Yesterday in worship, we sang some older songs which I love. Their messages can be moving, and it brings back memories of hearing my Daddy sing them when I was growing up.
One we sang was Sweet By and By. There’s a line that says, “we will meet on that beautiful shore.” The comments made after the song reminded me of Jamaica.
I’ve blogged before about my trips to Jamaica. And yesterday when the comment was made that we will meet Jesus on that beautiful shore, I couldn’t help but think of a song we sang in Jamaica called Jordan’s River. This song I’ve embedded here is a similar to what it’s like to sing it with the Jamaican Christians. It’s very moving.
Most of the time I cannot get through it without crying. You see, one line says my Daddy will be waiting there, but he can’t take me across the river. At the end of the song, it says my Jesus will be waiting there, and only my Jesus can take me across.
Who do you think about that will be waiting for you on the banks of the Jordan River? There will be those Christinas we knew who’ve gone before us. They are the witnesses Paul talks about in Hebrews. The ones cheering us on in this race we are running. Think they’ll be cheering on the shore too?
But there will also be the One cheering the most. My Jesus! What a picture that will be as He helps us across!