We don’t get a lot of things, and many things are overlooked when we read our Bibles. The Holy Spirit can guide us and others can explain what they think certain passages mean, and that is a blessing from God.
One of the things we overlook many times is the correlation between Jerusalem, or Zion, and Heaven. We sing an old hymn in worship sometimes called There is a Habitation. In listening to the words yesterday as we sang it, I couldn’t help think about what Jesus might be doing right now to prepare our habitation. That’s what He said He was going away to do. Prepare us a place. Listen to the words as sung here by the group Acapella. Take them in. Have hope. Look forward to being in Zion, lovely, lovely, Zion.
What a wonderful place it will be! No night, no death, no sorrow. Only one eternal day! That is hard for this human to wrap her mind around!