Eight years ago I worked at a pumpkin farm for the month of October. I loved it! I helped give tours to schools who brought their classes. We guides took them around the farm, introducing them to many things. One of them was the piglets. There were about 5 of them, and they were so cute!
They were cute, but I would not want to live with them. I cannot imagine how it would be to leave all the comforts of family, home, and friends and end up living in a pig pen.
But that is what happens to many of us. Like the prodigal son in Luke 15, we make wrong choices and live our lives in such a way, one day we wake up, and we’re in the pig pen!
I don’t think it’s easy to get out. It can be sticky, and the mud can be deep. But with God’s help, we can. Like the father in the story, God is also there waiting for us to come to our senses and come home! Perhaps He is running to us as we run to Him.
It’s never too late to get out of the pig pen.