I like to watch Dr. Pimple Popper. I know it’s weird and probably really icky to some people. I don’t know how people let their zits get so bad! If you haven’t seen any of her videos, you can go to YouTube and search for them.
Sometimes, we can’t help the skin issues we have. In Bible days people with skin diseases were regarded as outcasts. They were isolated, and if anyone came near, they had to yell the name of the disease they had so the person could go another way around.
There’s a story in Luke 17 that tells of Jesus healing 10 men with leprosy. However, only one man came back to thank Him. Only one! Out of ten! Jesus asked him where the other nine were that He’d healed.
Skin disease has come a long way in the last two thousand years. Having a skin disease so bad back in those days and then to be healed of it, why would you not be thankful? Maybe the nine were so excited, they just forgot to go back? Maybe they had the entitlement attitude so many have today and felt they deserved to be healed?
We often forget to be thankful these days. There is always, ALWAYS, something for which to be thankful. Even if it just being able to breathe.
God has given us so much! Remember to thank Him today!