Whether you like it or not, you have to admit technology today is amazing. However, on the occasions when you need it and it doesn’t work, it is frustrating!
Often, I get the message below in my email.

Well, I have to agree. A lot of the time.
It doesn’t take my technology to tell me ‘something’s not right’ for me to know how bad this life can treat us. All we have to do is live for a few years or look around at others.
When things aren’t right, it is hard for us to connect. But that is when we need to connect the most. To the One who knows us best.
Last night we had dinner with some great neighbors. We are getting to know them all better as they share their lives past and present with us.
There is so much pain in everyone’s pasts. I could not help but reflect on the Bible verse in Matthew 5 that says, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”
All our lives are wrong here on this tainted earth. That is the way satan wants it. he wants us to be miserable and in pain both physically and mentally. he wants us to get discouraged when spouses die of cancer and life gets hard.
But we have to counter that. We have to trust that God will take care of us and He has a purpose. We may never know the why of things, but one day we will.
So, when you get the message ‘something’s not right,’ nod your head in agreement. Know it, but also know Who will one day make it right!