As a kid I can remember singing a song called Rise and Shine also known as The Arky Arky Song. We still sing it sometimes in chapel at school. The song tells the story of Noah and the flood and how God saved Noah and his family. The words in the chorus say “Rise and shine and give God the glory.”
I have to admit, it can be really hard to rise and shine day after day. But as Christians that is exactly what we are supposed to do.
I fail at this daily. I don’t rise and shine. I let the darkness of this earth and how I feel physically or emotionally overshadow God’s glory.
We all fail at this daily. How are we different than the world?
Isaiah 60 says,
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
2 See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
3 Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”
In all things, good or bad, we need to remember to arise and shine. Let God’s glory rise upon us. Give Him the glory due every single day, all day, for He has done marvelous things for us.
If we shine in the darkness and be the light we are supposed to be, others will come to Christ because they are attracted to the light He is within us.
What is more important than that?