The Comforter

I honestly don’t know how some people do it. How do they survive without the Lord in their lives? Yesterday was a good day but a hard day. It was my Daddy’s birthday. He would have been 91 years old. He’s been gone from this life for over 8 years now, but as I said… Continue reading The Comforter

Rise and Shine!

As a kid I can remember singing a song called Rise and Shine also known as The Arky Arky Song. We still sing it sometimes in chapel at school. The song tells the story of Noah and the flood and how God saved Noah and his family. The words in the chorus say “Rise and… Continue reading Rise and Shine!

Something’s not right!

Whether you like it or not, you have to admit technology today is amazing. However, on the occasions when you need it and it doesn’t work, it is frustrating! Often, I get the message below in my email. Well, I have to agree. A lot of the time. It doesn’t take my technology to tell… Continue reading Something’s not right!

Where are the nine?

I like to watch Dr. Pimple Popper. I know it’s weird and probably really icky to some people. I don’t know how people let their zits get so bad! If you haven’t seen any of her videos, you can go to YouTube and search for them. Sometimes, we can’t help the skin issues we have.… Continue reading Where are the nine?

Too Blessed?

As a teacher, I get asked a lot of questions by my students. One thing I have discovered is I can’t answer every question. I can’t say why bad or good things happen. I am not God. All I know is He is in control and I have to trust Him. Last Sunday during a… Continue reading Too Blessed?


I have a former family member who is in prison. It is the result of his own choices as is the case of almost all prisoners. Of course, if you ask any prisoner, they’ll say they are all innocent. When a prisoner is being transported anywhere, they are bound at the wrists, ankles, or sometimes… Continue reading Prisoner