The Rawlings

When I was a kid, I loved to go to Joelton, TN and visit my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. They owned a farm where we would fish, play with frogs, run in the garden, and drink the sweetest tea you’ve ever tasted.

There was one place we’d go with them that was best of all. The Rawlings swimming pool. It was the best kept secret.

There was a huge pool with 3 diving boards of various sizes and a very tall slide. Down the hill, we little kids could swim in the 2 ‘baby pools’ that were each only about 2 feet deep.

I have so many memories from there. One of the most vivid is the day the black snake came down the hill chasing a frog. The moms were sitting on a blanket while us kids were playing in the water. When the frog came, we were all over it. Little did we know what was behind it!

When we heard the moms screaming and trying to get up quickly, we knew something was up!

Then the hero came to the rescue! It was like something out of a movie. Mr. Rawlings, the owner, a short white-haired man of probably 50ish years old, came running. He grabbed that snake by the tail and swung it around and around hitting its head on the concrete each time until it was dead.

Then he did another amazing thing. While we were all standing there with our mouths open, he wrapped that snake up like it was a rope and just walked off. No big deal!

All in a day’s work!

Mr. Rawlings has since passed away as has the pool, but The Rawlings is still there today as a restaurant. While I have not eaten there, I am told they have the best catfish. They also do catered events. You can find them at their website


  1. Those memories are the purest most wholesome times. I too remember those sweet precious times – like our tomato fight in the garden – boy did I get in trouble for wasting all those ripe tomatoes. Mr Rawlings could be compared to Jesus in a sense. while we innocently played, the serpent saw an opportunity to destroy. Just like Mr Rawlings heroically protected those who loved to swim at his pool, Jesus heroically died on the cross to protect those who love Him and His Father and want to spend eternity with them! Thankful I had a big cousin to look up to that was a great example and friend! Thankful that we had beautiful Moms that loved the Lord and each other with a genuine love. And I enjoy reading your posts.

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