I cannot imagine being trapped in the rubble of a tragic event like 9/11, the California earthquake of 1989, or any other horrible catastrophe.
After these tragedies, we read about many rescues among the sorrowful stories of those who did not survive. Those rescue stories fill us with some hope amid the pain and sadness.
But we are all trapped in our own rubble of this life with its troubles and complications.
We need rescuing, and there’s only One who can do that. Jesus has done it! He has rescued us!
He is our Rescue Story!
The song above is written by a man who had his own life battles. God rescued him.
Just like those firemen, police, and other volunteers who so often go into the rubble for search and rescue, God does His own search and rescue for us. He is constantly searching and knocking, waiting for us to let ourselves be rescued.
Let Him be your rescue story!