When I was a kid, I was a huge tomboy. I rode my bike everywhere, climbed trees, played in the creek, caught crawdads, and even took three snakes to school for show and tell in second grade.
I was fearless.
Funny how all that changes when you grow up.
They say fear is a learned behavior, and I believe that is true. As a kid, most of the time we didn’t have many fears. We knew an adult, mom, dad, or someone else, would be there to catch us when we fell and put that orange cure-all, mercurochrome, on our scrapes. Even if it was on our face! 🙂
So many times the Bible tells us ‘do not fear’ or ‘fear not,’ but it’s easier said than done.
Jesus knew this better than anyone as He prayed in the garden before His death.
So now as a grownup, we have adult fears. We fear our kids will fall away, sickness, the election, threats of war, pandemics, etc.
How do we live with all these fears? The same way Jesus did! Pray!
One of my favorite verses that I repeat to myself a lot is John 16:33.
I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (The Message)
I guess the bottom line is we can live a life of trouble but with peace because our Savior has lived it first and He has conquered it all.
I want to be fearless!