He’s Amazing!!

Isn’t God’s and His creation amazing? Here in Tennessee we can go from pouring rain and flooding to this…

Categorized as Spiritiual

Just Give Me Jesus!

When my oldest daughter was a freshman in college, she was having a difficult time because she’d never had a boyfriend or even a date. One day as she was venting, her roommate told her to list everything she wanted in a man; every characteristic. So, she did. When she showed the list to her… Continue reading Just Give Me Jesus!

A Little Lighter Today!

We love to watch the TV show The Office. I suppose we’ve seen every episode many times. In one episode the character, Dwight, feels like he’s missing out on knowing what is happening in their office, so he moves the water cooler next to his desk. As people gather around it, he asks, “What’s the… Continue reading A Little Lighter Today!

Categorized as Fun

Strong Enough

I’m not strong enough. I never will be. This earthly body began to die when it arrived. Just like yours did. My Bible reading this morning was the story of Gideon. It has been a while since I’d read about him. He took up God’s fight, but like I do, he questioned God as to… Continue reading Strong Enough

Not So Super

Yesterday as we watched the Super Bowl activities, I couldn’t help but feel so sad. A video was shown accompanying Johnny Cash’s Old Ragged Flag which I had never heard before, and it brought me to tears. Then there were the WWII veterans that were honored at the coin toss which again brought me to… Continue reading Not So Super

Categorized as Life

The Loneliest

Often here on our farm, we hear coyotes howling. While it is one of the eeriest sounds, it is perhaps the loneliest sound you’ll ever hear. I read an article of a study done that lists risk factors on loneliness as one gets older. I can see that in some of the older people I… Continue reading The Loneliest


I have a love/hate relationship with the Reminder app on my phone. I love that I can use it to remind me of times I need to do something. I remember things better when I write them down, and I don’t have to as much when I use this app. However, I don’t like it… Continue reading Reminders