Don’t you dread that late night call or text. It makes me wonder what has happened or who has died.
I usually silence my phone at night when I’m asleep. Sometimes I forget to put it on vibrate as I did last night.
Around 11:00 I received a text. It woke me when I heard it. I looked at my phone, saw it wasn’t an emergency, silenced it, then went back to sleep.
When I woke this morning, I looked more closely at the text.
It was an article sent from my daughter that The Tennessean had done showing activities from Sunday in response to the tornadoes from early last week. A good article with over 160 pictures of worshipers, mourners, funerals, and devastation.
Last week was a hard week. Not just from the tornadoes but some other personal stuff. We all have those hard days and weeks.
I know what Paul meant when he said pray without ceasing. Many, many times I whisper my prayers each day all day. Still do!
The Spirit put on my heart the song Where Could I Go But to the Lord? There is nowhere else to go! No one else understand the grief in our hearts or the pain we feel but our Creator.
In the article from The Tennessean, someone said, “Peace doesn’t come from having no trials. Peace only comes from God.”
Where else could I go? Where do you go?