How much of your childhood do you remember? I’m talking about the specifics?
I have a hard time trying to remember details of growing up. My husband often asks me about something from a few days ago, and I cannot remember. In my mind I think, that was days ago and behind me. I have enough to focus on today.
Yesterday, I actually sat down and tried to remember the past. Things from my childhood. Specific things that involved my Daddy.
One thing I do remember very well is always riding my bike. It was purple with a banana seat. Growing up we lived across from a church building where I would go to ride my bicycle. Around the building, up and down the hill that led to the parking lot, back to my driveway, down and around my house, only to repeat it all over and over.
As I thought about my bike and my Daddy, a sweet memory came to me. I remembered how he helped raise my seat and my handlebars to fit this gangly tomboy. I remembered how he showed me to use clothespins and attach playing cards to the wheels to get that clickety-clack sound when the wheels turned. I remembered how he put the streamers on the handlebars, the basket on the front, and, most important, the bell!
When I look back, I remember my Daddy was always working on something around the house or one of the cars, so for him to take the time to do all that for me was something special.
I loved that bike, but I especially love the memories associated with it!
We need to take the time. Take the time with our kids before it’s too late. Take the time with each other before it’s too late.
Take time to ride your bike!
But especially take the time to be with our Creator and God!