In previous blogs I’ve talked about the ocean, how I love it and the memories of going each year with my family when I was growing up.
One year we went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina when I was a kid. I don’t remember anything about that trip except for one very important incident that happened. My Daddy and I were in the ocean jumping waves together as we loved to do. I was standing behind him as he faced the waves. As the waves came, I would jump on his back, and together we would ride the height of it! What a thrill it was!
However, as one wave was coming and I was getting ready to jump on his back again, all of a sudden the wave grew so high! It knocked my dad over onto me and both of us went under. I vividly remember being under water, clawing the sand, and being carried out by the undertow. Once my Daddy got his feet, he helped me and made sure I was alright. We were both okay and ended up laughing about it later.
It reminds me of a verse in the song Have You Seen Jesus My Lord.
Have you ever stood at the ocean with the white foam at your feet; Felt the endless thundering motion? Then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.
I have stood at the ocean many, many times. Perhaps you would argue there are other places here on earth that are more majestic, but to me the ocean will always be the place that I see Jesus the most.
Maybe it’s the many memories I have there.