Have you ever really sat down and given some serious thought as to what makes you happy?
Is it the sunshine, being at the pool or lake, seeing the white snow, your kids or grandkids, a good cup of coffee, a moist piece of coconut cake, a pet?
What makes you truly happy?
My sister had to put her dog, Nash, down a few days ago. Our pets become like family, and while it’s hard to see them aging and struggling, it’s even harder to let them go. He had become her constant companion and friend. He needed her. And she needed him.
Being needed is one thing that makes us happy whether we realize it or not. We all want and need to be useful no matter how old or young we are.
I think one reason God created animals is for our companionship. My sister believes she’ll see Nash again in Heaven, and I do too.
Like she said, “Why would God have Adam take the time to name them all if they weren’t important to Him?”

(This isn’t Nash, but it is what he looked like!)