I’ve blogged a lot about my daddy. I’m sure if you’ve read any of them, you can see how much he meant to me and how much I love him. I thought it was time I say a few things about my mom.
Mom turned 91 on July 3rd. She is one of the strongest women I know. Raising 4 kids during the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s, wasn’t easy. All of us kids put her through some tough times.
She is still very mobile even though she uses a cane for balance when walking. She still drives herself around town, wherever she wants to go!
She loves to eat out and has to have her bread and butter!
Yesterday, I took her for surgery on her hand. She did great and talked about when she was going to get to drive again.
Her mind is great, and she is the one that keeps us all up to date on what is happening in each other’s lives.
There are things I know she hides in her heart from the past, but it is her choice whether or not to tell anyone.
Like any parent/child relationship, sometimes it is troubled, and there are things you see in each other that you don’t want to become.
For the most part, though, I want to be like her when I grow up.

Aunt Marguerite, you are just as beautiful as ever! I love you and wish you the best birthday. God bless you…. Love, Frank