There are many ways law enforcement control prisoners. The most frequent way we see is handcuffs, but sometimes shackles are used to move prisoners. Shackles were also used on slaves to make sure they didn’t escape.
There is another way shackles are used, one we all know whether we realize it or not.
Yesterday, our preacher said we make mistakes which leads to regrets which leads us to be shackled. We are shackled by our own choices and regrets. How true!
This is exactly what satan wants us to do. he wants us to put those shackles on and drag them around for the rest of our lives.
Jesus frees us from those shackles. When we become Christ-followers, He takes His key and opens them up to our freedom! The best thing is we never have to wear them again!
Reminds me of a song called Shackles. I like the beat and the words.
Psalm 30:11 says, You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
Take the shackles off so I can dance!