A while back someone I love so very much was going through some tough times, to put it mildly. Thanks be to God, they made it out alive and are better for their struggles.
I have heard it said we are either going into a struggle, living in a struggle, or coming out of a struggle. How true!
We all have struggles. Some we make of our own choosing. Some satan sends our way. Some just because this isn’t Heaven yet.
I love this song by Toby Mac, because these lyrics hit home with me:
We lose our way,
We get back up again
It’s never too late to get back up again,
One day you’re gonna shine again,
You may be knocked down,
But not out forever.
We get knocked down, but as Christ-followers we aren’t out forever. He helps us back up again!
It’s never, ever too late….until Jesus comes back!