Yesterday our inservice began for this upcoming school year. I am always excited to begin a new year for several reasons.
But…this year is very different than any in the past I have been a part of and perhaps any ever in history. Because of the Covid pandemic, this school year is full of adjustments, new rules, and the unknown.
The devotional we had was a very positive one with a great reminder for each of us not only for school but also for our daily lives.
One thing in particular hit home with me. Lately, I have been trying to focus on keeping my joy no matter my circumstances and especially despite how I am feeling. The speaker shared something he’d seen. “It’s not about how you feel. It’s about what you believe.”
So many times, things and people get us down. We feel bad physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. During those time, I want focus on what I believe and even more specifically in WHO I believe.
I don’t want to let satan steal my joy! I want to keep my focus!