Remember when the game Win, Lose, or Draw was popular? First, it was a show on TV, then, a party game. It was so liked by people other similar games were created like Pictionary. If the person drawing was good enough, then his or her teammates would be able to guess the correct answer.
I sometimes feel life is like a game we are playing. If we draw it good enough, if we live it good enough, then we will be winners.
Right now, perhaps, none of us are living it good enough. I don’t feel like I am. satan has wrapped this world, especially our country, in a pandemic and politics that have us either depressed or scared.
We cannot let him win! He may be drawing, but he will lose!
2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
Let’s live in love and power, not fear. Let’s take back the pencil of this life and draw it knowing God is in control! Don’t let satan win this game!

Thought provoking! Reminded me of Joel’s comments in class today. Where is our allegience?