These last few days here in Tennessee have been typical Spring days with strong storms sweeping through sometimes leaving major or minor damage.
I’ve mentioned before in previous blogs how much I love storms. I love to sit on the front or back porch and feel the breeze while listening to the thunder roll. It comforts me.
I know not everyone feels that way. Many people are afraid during storms, but the storms just serve to remind me what a powerful God we have!
As I sat this morning on the porch watching the lightning and feeling the breeze, I thought about my Daddy and a specific memory.
My parents loved to go antiquing and would often drag me along. (Perhaps that’s why I love to go antiquing myself!). Many weekend evenings, we would end up at the Nashville Flea Market. Some of the booths were inside in the safety of brick buildings, but many booths were set up under pavilions with metal roofs.
On one such weekend while at the Flea Market, a hail storm moved in quickly. I was probably only around 10 years old, but I remember it vividly. It was SO loud! That hail hitting the metal roof was at the time the most deafening sound I had ever heard. Needless to say, I was terrified.
Who did I run to?
My Daddy, of course! When he saw the look on my face, he immediately opened his arms, and I went running to the safety I knew I would find there.
Just like our Heavenly Father.
When the storms of this life find us in need of safety, I hope we know our Father stands with His arms wide open waiting for us to run to Him.