It’s been 10 years today.
10 years since his heart beat. 10 years since he took his last breath.
10 years since my Daddy died.
It never gets easier, and I think about him almost every day.
When you become an adult and especially a parent, you understand that your parents are / were not perfect. You realize each mom and dad do the best they can to their ability, even if it is lacking.
When I think of my Daddy, I don’t see those imperfections. I see a man who did his best to show joy to all around him through his joking heart. He loved to talk to anyone who would listen and would always end up with a funny story or a joke. At the end of his life, the dementia would allow him to only remember one joke. He would say, “What did the monkey say when he got his tail cut off?? Won’t be long now!”
At praise God it wasn’t a long time he suffered but went to his Heavenly home.
Was my Daddy perfect? No!
But he is now!

Loved your Dad
Amen! He is well now!
Hi Laurel,
You might think your daddy and my uncle, wasn’t perfect, but through God’s eye’s he was one of the perfect person’s to spread his word. For example, I talked to him 2 or 3 times via telephone and he always touched on the word of God’s, so much so, that I’ll never forget it. He also sent me a little card, “God’s Plan” that I keep on my desk as a reminder of how special he truly was. As for being perfect, it all depends on how us mortals look at God’s perfect will. Take care and God bless you!
Love, Frank