One of the things I really love is gummy bears, soft and fresh that almost melt in your mouth. Ahh!
But…I don’t eat them very often. They aren’t good for me because they have too much sugar.
Often sin is like that. Something that feels good, looks good, comforts us but is clearly wrong for us.
It’s hard for me when I have a whole bag of gummy bears. Many times I end up eating way too many. But if I can have some discipline and only put a few in my hand, I can resist eating more than I should. I don’t even buy them. If I have some, it’s because some kind, loving person has treated me.
It’s the same with sin. We eat the whole bag, and with eating the whole bag comes the regret, the shame, the consequences.
It’s hard to have self-control all the time, and we will fail. But God provides a way out of temptation every time. We just have to be strong enough with His help and His Spirit to listen and look for it. For those times we fail, repent, receive His forgiveness, and move on as soon as you can.
Just don’t buy those gummies!