Some people in the church today complain about the song service at their congregation. Some like the older songs, while others prefer newer ones. Hopefully, most of the song leaders at congregations do a good job of intertwining the old hymns with the newer ones as we sing praises to our God and uplift each other.
This morning in worship, we sang the old hymn “To Canaan’s Land, I’m on My Way.” I can remember my Daddy singing this song . Such good memories of worship as I grew up, and as life grows harder each day, those songs mean more and more to me.
On occasion I have fallen in love with newer songs as well though. One of those I heard recently is Promised Land by TobyMac. If you haven’t heard it, I highly recommend listening to it.
I wonder which songs the angels prefer as they sing praises with those who’ve gone on to the Promised Land? Perhaps a mixture of old and new? Maybe they take requests? Or perhaps they have their own songs that are even better than anything we’ve ever sung here on earth!
My life will end in deathless sleep,
Where the soul of man never dies;
And everlasting joys I’ll reap,
Where the soul of man never dies.
I’m on my way to that fair land,
Where the soul of man never dies;
Where there will be no parting hand,
Where the soul of man never dies.

Lovely point! I think if we look at what each kind of song is good at we would all want a blend of old and new.
Worship songs in protestant communities take the place of corporate prayer in more liturgical churches but they are often lacking in theological depth. I have a friend who rather snakily calls them “7/11” songs, since you repeat the same 7 words eleven times.
Hymns tend to be deeper and richer contextually. They underline and explain biblical points and elaborate on ideas that we need to think about like loss and pain as well as the glory of God.
They speak to different people in different places in their life and emotional journey, but that is what a church is: A group of very different people on a journey towards a common goal. We need to hear different things than our neighbors and we need to respect that God is speaking to ALL of us, not just one of us!