I almost feel sorry for those who do not have siblings.
Both my adult girls live near each other, and I am very thankful. Here’s one reason…
Friday, my youngest was attacked by a dog.
Now, when your child, no matter the age, gets hurt, all you want to do is run to her or him! My heart broke when I spoke with her on the phone and she was so upset. I was 2 1/2 hours away and working, so guess who ran to her.
Her sister! She dropped everything at her job, grabbed her purse and ran out the door. She called her boss on the way.
It did this mama’s heart good to know they were together. Her big sister took her to the ER to get cleaned up, treated, and medicine. She calmed her.
She was there when I wasn’t. I know one day I will be gone, but it’s a comfort to know they have each other.
I am blessed with 2 sisters. We know we can call each other anytime for anything. I think we’d move mountains for each other if we had to. That is what love does.
Thank you to my sisters, my daughters, and countless other siblings out there. Keep supporting and loving each other! If you don’t have a biological sibling, find a spiritual one!

She is blessed to have a caring sibling…is she doing well today? That’s quite an ordeal to deal with especially the after effects! Prayers for her healing and prayers of gratitude for her sister, don’t worry Mom…she’s got this! Love and hugs from me to you! By the way, in car you don’t get told enough …you do a GREAT job!