
Our minister is in the middle of preaching a series on the Lord’s prayer. He’s doing a really great job of it, taking each line and analyzing it with us. We all should pray like Jesus did, daily with the depth of simplicity.

It’s not always easy to pray. But I have found during the time when it’s hardest to pray, that is when I need to pray the most.

There is one prayer that can be hard to pray….

Come, Jesus, Come.

On days where the pain-physical or emotional- is too much, it is easy to pray. When things are good, we forget to pray that prayer.

But I also think about those loved ones of ours that have not accepted Christ yet. Our kids, our siblings, our parents. Do we want to pray come, Jesus when we are waiting on them to become Christ followers? God in all His sovereignty knows when that will be fulfilled and then Jesus will come.

So, we sing and pray Come, Jesus, Come also knowing that He keeps His promise of patience waiting for those who will come to Jesus.

The song below is a prayer for us all. It describes all our lives. Jesus was right when He said we WILL have troubles in this life.

Come, Jesus, Come

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