I know I have blogged about storms before, how I love them, and how I like to listen and watch them. Some of you have commented you love them too!
Yesterday, as I sat on our back porch for a few minutes listening to the thunder, I couldn’t help but think of a song I used to hear a lot on the radio.
I love the lyrics of this song. It so fits our lives sometimes. We hear the thunder echo. We have so many storms in this life. Stress, illness, death. We want to tell the storms to behave!
But we are just a man. Only a man. So we can only pray for sunny days to return to us again. We have to have faith that God will answer our prayers and the storms will not stay.
If you’ve ever been through something terrible, you know the feeling of helplessness, of being only a man. When the only thing you can do is get down on your knees and pray.
Thank God today that He listens to us. He wants to hear from us. Perhaps that is why we are in a storm, so we can know Who it is that calms the storms!