A couple of days ago, I was talking with our youngest daughter on the phone. Both of our girls are independent now for the most part, each in her apartment in their respective college cities.
As we talked, I asked her what she’d been up to, and she answered it was kind of all boring stuff just working, studying, and being home.
I welcomed her to ‘adulting.’ Welcome to the rinse and repeat stage of life where it seems sometimes each day is the same. Get up, work, come home, rinse, repeat.
In thinking about our conversation more, I was reminded of the song, Do Everything, by Steven Curtis Chapman. He’s done this video very cute but the song is a powerful reminder.
Colossians 3:17 says, “Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.” (The Message)
It’s the little things that matter. What we may see as small, boring, repetitive, and menial are the things people are watching in us. How do we handle everyday situations as someone who is supposed to be Christ-like?
So no matter how boring, small and repetitive anything might be, do it all for God’s glory. Life can seem boring at times, but we never know who is watching us acting a fool or giving glory to the Lord.