As we near Christmas Day, it seems the whole world is focused on Jesus. While we know December 25th probably wasn’t His birthday, it is still celebrated as so. It might bother some of us who have OCD, but I choose to think that anytime anyone is focused on Jesus is a good thing!
Yesterday in worship, we sang several Christmas carols including Silent Night. I couldn’t help but think what it might have been like when Jesus was born. It was probably anything but silent!
Unless God intervened miraculously, Mary would have been screaming in childbirth pain, and all the animals would have been making their normal noises in that stable where Jesus was born into this world.
Perhaps God did intervene. Maybe Mary quietly gave birth, silently enduring the pain that comes with bringing a child into the world…even the Savior of it.
Maybe the animals watched in awe, knowing their Creator was being born of a virgin in their stable.
Perhaps all was calm and bright!
So no matter whether is was His actual birthdate or not, celebrate Him.
After all…Jesus is the reason for any season!