When I wear a long sleeve shirt with cuffs, my family teases me because I like to roll the cuffs up. I don’t like them going half way down my hand.
There are a lot of time we roll our sleeves up. When we’re washing our hands, when we are hot, or getting ready to do some work, we often roll them up. Sometimes we roll up our sleeves simply because it’s attractive.
Toby Mac has a song titled Help is on the Way I really like. One of the lines in it says “He’s rolling up His sleeves again.”
Picture it…God sees our problems, rolls up His sleeves, and sends His angels to battle with and for us! He is not hot; He is not going to wash His hands; He is getting ready to do something so awesome….
For you and me!
Are you watching for Him to roll up His sleeves for whatever you’re facing?