Last night at our small group Bible study, the subject of Clingmans Dome came up as many are traveling to the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area these days to see the beautiful foliage.
I was thinking about it more this morning as I was getting ready for work.
At 6,643 feet Clingmans Dome is the highest point of the Great Smoky Mountains. Walking up that path to the highest point of the Great Smoky Mountains is a lot like our walk here on earth on our way to Heaven.
A few years ago we went. The views at the bottom of the path are beautiful as seen in the picture below, but the top promised even better.
Sometimes the view from where we are right now in our lives is pretty good, but when we get to Heaven, it will be even better.
The walk up to the top of Clingmans Dome was a struggle. Many of us stopped to rest our racing hearts.
This walk we are on day after day is a struggle. We need to stop to rest and pray. To be still and know.
A few people were running up the path (I couldn’t believe it)! They were in really good shape, but they were missing the beauty of the walk itself.
This path we are on in life is different for us all. Some of us are running while others are walking slowly at our own pace. Go slow enough to see what God is doing in your life.
Some people were helping others walk up to the top of the Dome.
In this life we need others to help us in our daily walk. God puts people in our lives for that very reason.
When we got to the top of Clingmans Dome, there was so much pollution and fog we could not see anything.
When you get to the end of the path you are walking, don’t let there be anything to keep you from seeing Jesus’ face!